Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Tina Goes to Praha

(note, the following is lifted from my regular blog. i am plagiarizing myself!)

Whenever someone I know goes somewhere, I bug them to send me a postcard. Since winter break is a time when a lot of my victims are traveling, I shall be updating you with my latest acquisitions.

Received 12/05: A cat postcard from Tina in Praha (That's Prague, Czech Republic). (Art, not photo) A funny yellow cat is driving a blue convertible through Praha. www.funexplosive.cz (click gallery on the left, then look for design #60) www.votruba.cz (link to the artist). (I found Tina through the UT Cat Club on Facebook. My stalking in the pursuit of postcards knows no bounds.)

Here is some of what Tina wrote on the postcard:

Yay for cats & postcards & mail! This postcard is full of lies, however because there are
A. no cats &
B. no cars with cats in Praha.

When were you in the Czech Republic?

Mluvis Cesky? Tak

Tak Nashledarou a vesel varule!"

Note, I don't have the diacritical marks in the right places (HA -- I have NO diacritical marks!), and I don't know that I got all the letters in the Czech correct, so if you know Czech, I would appreciate corrections. (and a translation, perhaps?)

Well, as the holiday progresses, I'll try to post some more postcard commentaries. (Who knows, perhaps YOUR postcard will be reviewed here?!)

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Peter Goes to India

I met Peter in the mid-1980's when my then-husband & I were stationed in Aschaffenburg, Germany. He is from (what was then) Czechoslovakia and was a cook in the U.S. Army. After that, he traveled around, went to college, traveled around, went back for a master's degree, traveled around again, and is now teaching English in Norway.

Peter has greatly added to the depth of my postcard collection!

This particular card was mailed from the Czech Republic (two Czech stamps with what look like sketches of Prague) on 3.10.97, with a German return address. Peter and his girlfriend spent that spring and half of the summer in India.

Caption: "People cooking tea early morning during the cattle fair."
Photo: M.D. Sharma

and yeah, the image is crooked -- I'm going to have to work on that.

Stu and Charlona go to Namibia

This card is from my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, who traveled to Namibia this summer. The stamp features a beautiful leopard. Stu and Char are quite organized -- they pre-print mailing labels before they go on a trip, and each postcard features a date and location where written. Nothing to snark at here!

Selected comments from the back of postcard:

Goeie More from Namibia!

We've seen incredible bird life here, and beuatiful desert scenes like this card. I think we were in the same (pan?) as this picture. Lots of animals -- oryx, springbok, warthog, eland, kudu, lizards, beetles. Weaver bird nest as big as a VW Bug!

We're staying in great lodges with excellent food. On a trip to a sea lion colony, several times some more time ones would jump up onto the boat and get fish! Desert elephants today, then on to Etosha Park. (Written in transit & Ongava.)

Caption (from back of card):
Camelthorn tree stranded on a clay island at Dead (?obscured by postal markings) in the Namib Desert.

Photo: Wyand du Plessis ©

Postcard Blog

This is where I'll be posting select postcards from my postcard collection. For years I have bugged everyone -- friends, relatives, perfect strangers -- to send me postcards -- postcards that I throw into a box and look at from time to time. Now that I have the technology, the postcards can be scanned and posted here.

If you would send me a postcard, I'll try to post it here -- and perhaps even make a snarky comment (although I shouldn't be snarky to anyone kind enough to send me a postcard.) If you write on the back, I may post part of your comments, but I will use discretion.

Here is my p.o. box, in case you want to send me a postcard:

P.O. Box 7033
Austin TX 78713