Sunday, January 29, 2006

Peter Goes to India

I met Peter in the mid-1980's when my then-husband & I were stationed in Aschaffenburg, Germany. He is from (what was then) Czechoslovakia and was a cook in the U.S. Army. After that, he traveled around, went to college, traveled around, went back for a master's degree, traveled around again, and is now teaching English in Norway.

Peter has greatly added to the depth of my postcard collection!

This particular card was mailed from the Czech Republic (two Czech stamps with what look like sketches of Prague) on 3.10.97, with a German return address. Peter and his girlfriend spent that spring and half of the summer in India.

Caption: "People cooking tea early morning during the cattle fair."
Photo: M.D. Sharma

and yeah, the image is crooked -- I'm going to have to work on that.


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